If you are reading this article you probably have lingual terrible plight called “tonsil stones”. Tonsil stones or tonsiloliths, or, tonsil debris, bad breath chunks, etc. are small pieces of debris that collect inside the tonsil crypts.

There’s nothing that leaves a foul taste in your mouth and makes your breath smell like tonsilloliths. If you ever had misfortune of having them, there’s no need to clarify why you’d wish for those nasty suckers out of there. Generally doctors prescribe surgery for tonsil stone removal but it is recommended to go for surgical procedure only as a last resort. The good news is there are many natural ways to remove tonsilloliths so they never come back. Continue reading to find out more.

All you need is a little bottle with a sharp nozzle, like the type that Gly-Oxide comes in. Blank the bottle and fill up with hot water. Then look into the mirror, place the tip of the nozzle directly in front of the tonsil crevice and shoot away.

The stream of water should dislodge any tonsilloliths out of the crypts. You can also use devices like a water pik to do this, but this device is often too potent and the highest setting can cause damage. Squeezing water through bottle will provide a powerful enough stream for tonsil stones removal without harming some of the sensitive tissue in the area.

It is important to prevent the formation of any further stones. Bad odor isn’t the only trouble if left untreated. Tonsilloliths may also cause your tonsils to bleed and become infected or inflamed, so you surely want to remove them.

The major problem with tonsilloliths is you sometimes can’t even tell they’re there, because they’re deeply embedded in tonsillar crypts. Toothbrushes, toothpicks and other sharp tools can’t reach them. But using a stream of water, you can clear out debris and can dislodge and even prevent stones.

Certainly, there are other methods for tonsil stones removal that some people rely on. For example, some people use bobby pins or similar things to push the tonsilloliths out. They can work, but there is a risk of infection or bleeding if you prod too hard. Finally, a safe and most hygiene technique of tonsil stones removal is water

A little investment in a cheap plastic bottle will work wonders in removing tonsil stones and also help in saving those extra bucks that would have been spent on expensive medications and surgery.

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